Love Living at Home is a member-driven non for profit organization that enables older adults to live vibrantly while aging in place. Members, volunteers, and staff work together to provide engaging educational and social programs and responsive support services to promote a strong Caring-Connected-Community.
Life takes a village. Let us be part of yours!
Join our welcoming, engaging, diverse, and inclusive community for folks age 50+ with a shared goal of thriving in the homes and neighborhoods they love! LLH enriches the lives of seniors to be healthier and more independent by providing social opportunities, volunteer opportunities and access to services and community resources.
Visit: 830 Hanshaw Rd., Tuesday-Thursday 9 am-2 pm and by appointment.
Call: Monday-Friday 9-5 (or leave a message): (607)319-0162
Email: [email protected]
Monthly e-mail newsletter sign-up HERE
Visit: 830 Hanshaw Rd • Ithaca, New York 14850
Mailing Address: 757 Warren Road #4836 • Ithaca, New York 14852
Call: (607)319-0162 • Website: www.lovelivingathome.org • E-mail: [email protected]