Event name
Women Walking
Mon 10 / 14 / 2024
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Who can attend
Members only
Limited capacity: Registration Closed
Note the new time: 11:00 a.m.
We will meet in the parking area near the entrance to the Skating Rink and Pool at Cass Park, walking south toward the children's garden and beyond. The path is paved and flat. The walk will last about an hour. If possible, let me know that you will be joining us. Directions follow.
As usual, if the walk needs to be cancelled or the destination changed, I will email by 9:30 AM on the day of the walk.
Hoping to see you!
Cell 707-379-3231
From the intersection of West Buffalo Street and Meadow Street or North Fulton Street, turn west onto West Buffalo Street
Turn right on Taughannock Boulevard (Route 89). Island Fitness and the Children's Garden are on the left.
Turn right into the parking area for the Cass Park Skating Rink and Pool. Park there. Meet near the entrance to the Rink.